
filename    paladin
password    release
changedby   Darg
EmailAdd    Mark Pringle darg@valhalla.com
request     compile
version     1



%zone paladin_guild
title "Paladin Guild"

/*----- Guild Type Definitions-----*/

/* GUILD_PALADIN from values.h */

#define PALADIN_FALLEN "Paladin, Fallen From Grace"
#define WIGHT_COMPLETE "Wight warrens quest"
#define PALADIN_SWORD "$Flame Tongue Granted"

#define HUMAN_PAL_ABIL \
MSET_ABILITY (20,15,15,20,10,10,0,10)

#define PAL_WPN70_SWORD \
 MSET_WEAPON (10,20,10,10,10,10) /* 70% Weapon, Sword Dominant */

#define PAL_WPN70_FLAIL \
 MSET_WEAPON (10,10,10,20,10,10) /* 70% Weapon, Flail Dominant */

#define PAL_WPN90_SWORD \
 MSET_WEAPON (14,20,14,14,14,14) /* 90% Weapon, Sword Dominant */

#define PAL_WPN90_FLAIL \
 MSET_WEAPON (14,14,14,20,14,14) /* 90% Weapon, Flail Dominant */

#define PAL_SPL30 \
 MSET_SPELL(5,5,2,3,2,3,2,2,2,2,2) /* 30% Spells, Resistances */

#define PAL_SPL10 \
 MSET_SPELL(2,0,0,2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1) /* 10% Spells, Resistances */

lifespan 60
creators {"cabal", "bakka", "whistler"}

"This is a zone for high level holy fighters. Current restrictions on the
class include: for entrance pc must be above level 39, have completed wight
warren quest, have an alignment of above +700, and have completed the paladin
quest; for continued membership, player must keep an alignment above level
+700; to leave the guild there are no limitations, but it does implement a
quest bit of Fallen From Grace, preventing re-entry into the guild.&n
Contact Cabal (bclark@magicnet.net) - &c+rWarning! Not active admin!&cw&n
Sk(r)ay email &c+rotap@dorit.ihi.ku.dk&cw &n


dilbegin restrict_guild (damage:integer,gld:string);
wait (SFB_DONE,
(( command ("wear")) or
(command ("wield")) or
(command ("hold")))
) and
(self==medium) and

if (self.outside.level>=IMMORTAL_LEVEL) goto start;

act ("Your $2n burns you and you drop it to the ground.",
act ("$1n's $2n burns $1m and $1s drops it to the ground.",
act ("Being in the right guild might help.",
position_update (self.outside);

unequip (self);
link (self,self.outside.outside);
goto start;

dilbegin nokill();
pc : unitptr;
room : unitptr;
heartbeat := 3 * PULSE_SEC;

wait(SFB_COM,  self.position == POSITION_FIGHTING );
pc := self.fighting;
if (pc.level > 200) goto start;
       if(pc.type == UNIT_ST_NPC) goto start;
if (command("flee"))

self.hp := self.max_hp;
act("The sounds of battle attract the attention of the guild guards.",
A_SOMEONE, pc, self, null, TO_ALL);
act("&c+rSeveral of them charge into the room, beating you senseless!&cw",
A_SOMEONE, pc, self, null, TO_CHAR);
act("Several of them charge into the room, beating $1n senseless!",
A_SOMEONE, pc, self, null, TO_REST);
pc.hp := 0;
act("You can feel yourself being dragged away as you slip into the "+
"unconciousness.",A_SOMEONE, pc, self, null, TO_CHAR);
act("Two of the guards grab $1n and drag him out of the Guild, dumping "+
"$1m in the streets.",A_SOMEONE, pc, self, null, TO_REST);
room := findroom("cth_square7@midgaard");
act("Two guild guards appear, dragging an unconcious figure between "+
"them and dump $1m unceremoniously on the street."
goto start;

dilbegin blocktrain();
 pc:     unitptr;
heartbeat := PULSE_SEC*5;
wait (SFB_CMD, TRUE);

if ((activator.type == UNIT_ST_PC) and command ("practice"))
 if ((activator.guild == GUILD_PALADIN) and (activator.alignment < -350))
     { block;
       exec ("say You are a disgrace to our order!!", self);
       exec ("say In the future you will be banned for this action!", self);
 exec ("spit "+ activator.name, self);
if ((activator.guild == GUILD_PALADIN) and (activator.alignment < 350))
     { block;
       exec ("say You have strayed from the path of our order. I will "+
             "not train you until you have purified your soul.", self);
       goto start;
goto start;

/*------------------------  ROOMS -----------------------------------*/

names {"monestary yard", "paladin yard", "yard"}
title "The Monestary Yard"
"     You have stepped into the walled-in yard of the Holy Knights of
Midgaard, the Paladins.  The sturdy stone walls surrounding this well-tended
yard are broken by high archways leading in each direction. To the east,
through the raised porticullis, you can see the Cathederal square. Placed in
the center of the courtyard is a large statue of a man struck down in battle."
extra {"archways", "archway", "walls"}
"Archways lie in the middle of each of wall of the courtyard, providing exits
to the north, south, east and west."
extra {"great statue","statue", "man"}
"The statue depicts an older man, regal in stance, smiling as he dies from
deep wounds clawed through his armor. There is a plaque at the base of the
extra {"plague at the base","plaque", "base"}
"The plaque reads: 'Our holy lord, Founder of Midgaard, the Matyr King
movement SECT_INSIDE
east to midgaard/cth_square7;
west to muster;
north to storage;
south to stables;

names {"storage hall"}
title "The Storage Hall"
"     This spacious hall just north of the monestary yard appears to be used
just for storage. Many large crates are stacked about the room. You notice,
towards the back of the room and tucked behind a pile of crates, a small
drawing table with a page of manuscript sitting upon it.  A large archway
leads south onto the yard and a smaller door leads west."
extra {"crates", "crate"}
"The crates seem to contain just ordinary supplies such as candles and
horseshoes. They are each nailed firmly shut and bear the legend 'BALDWIN
extra {"drawing table", "table"}
"It appears that the owner of this drawing table has been concentrating
on illuminating a page of a history manuscript. You wonder what the story is
extra {"page", "manuscript", "history", "text"}
                   THE HISTORY OF MIDGAARD
             Chapter II: The Dragon Ancalador
                   The Great War Begins
              (As recited by Brion the Bard
         and transcribed by Brunhilda the Librarian)

&fAhhh, so now you want to hear the story of the Great War? As if
you haven't heard it a thousand times. Perhaps, though, there
are details that I can share that you did not know before.&n&n

It was the 98th year after the founding of Midgaard that the
insanity erupted. High in the mountains outside the sleepy
human village of Urland, near the homeland of the reclusive
halflings and gnomes, Tiamat (the evil mother of all dragons)
was brooding. Her eldest son, Ancalador, began to raise a huge
army... through his mind control, he managed to dominate the
goblins, and hobgoblins and trolls, and even some of the dark
and mysterious Drow elves. With his brothers and sisters (fierce
dragons all, but fortunately, none with the magical prowress of
Ancalador), this huge army descended from the mountain, raining
fire and ice upon the homes of the halfings and gnomes.&n&n

Many of the halfings and gnomes chose to hide in burrows deep in
the ground while the dragons destroyed all that lived above.
Others, caught in the outside and forced into acts of bravery,
fled toward Urland. There lived in Urland one of the noblest and
respected of the Church Knights under Cromwell.  After advancing
considerably in his years (almost as old as good Cromwell himself),
Sir Gehron had retired to the small village of Urland to ensure
that the doctrines of the Church were instilled in the good country
folk surrounding Midgaard.  It was he that heard of the advancing
army of evil from a halfling survivor, and it was he, who called
upon his faithful old warhorse and rode like lightning to the King,
and took up the position as general of the army.&n&n

King Cromwell, although nearly a hundred years in age, was
still the favored of the gods, and what he might have lacked
then in strength and stature, he more then made up for in
judgement and divine luck. He immediately mobilized his troops
and sent Knights to warn the dwarven king. With a large
contingent of his Holy Knights and many great heros of the
Kingdom, Cromwell set out to meet the invading army in Urland.&n&n

By the time this combined force of humans and dwarves arrived
at Urland, it was already under siege. Mighty dragons swooped
through the sky, turning the land to fire and ice. Humanoid
troops waded through this wasteland, killing anything that
still moved.  Though he was considered far too old for armor
and shield by the younger Knights, when Gehron appeared beside
the king on the battlefield, sword raised high, it inspired
the troops to such an extent that their hearts and mouths sang
out to the good Gods of Asgaard even as they plunged headlong
into the advancing wall of darkness.  Though the defenders
fought valiantly, they were no match for the enormous numbers
of the advancing army. As they were beginning to withdraw back
to set up a new defense at Ratswarf, Ancalador made use of
the chaos to sieze control of King Cromwell's mind. Each time
the fingers of Ancalador's mind control touched King Cromwell,
they were turned away by the gods of Asgaard, who would not
allow their favorite son to be manipulated.&n&n

As the tide turned for the worse and Cromwell tried desperately
to fend off the increasingly brutal mental attacks of Ancalador,
Sir Gehron sustained a mortal wound to the chest and was knocked
off of his mount by an enemy crossbow bolt.  The knights rallied
around their fallen general and bore him safely back to Cromwell's
side, where they gave the King the grim report of the battle.
Knowing the only hope for the survival of the people he loved so
much was to perform a unified retreat and try to regroup, Cromwell
made the descision that would end his mental torment and perhaps
distract the wicked Ancalador long enough for his troops to get
away.  He would do battle with the dragon itself.&n&n

The entire battle seemed to blur and halt in the memories
of those present as the two old friends, Gehron and Cromwell,
exchanged their final words with one another.  Cromwell commanded
the Valiant Knight to oversee the retreat of his troops to safety.
Gehron, tears streaming from his eyes, agreed, and said goodbye
to the one king that he loved so much.&n&n

It is said in the Books of the Ages, that the Gods themselves
descended from the heavens and rode along side the king in his
final charge, for they loved that one more than anyone can imagine.
It is said that valiant Cromwell, in one last act of defiance,
raised his sword and charged.  Unearthly light appeared all about
the king as the grief-stricken Gods of Asgaard appeared to watch
the man ride to his death.  Cromwell's sword ignited in a holy and
unearthly fire, one last gift, as he let forth the battle cry that
brought hope to the Heroes of the Great war.&n&n

The wicked Ancalador, viewing the spectacle, knew the gods could
not intervene directly on the mortal's behalf, and welcomed the
challenge so that he could crush the King and let the good people
of Midgaard witness their one last symbol of hope die before the
darkness swept over them.&n&n

So much confidence did Ancalador have in himself that he alone
oversaw the evil armies movements through his wicked thoughts.
He grabbed Cromwell from his charging mount in one terrible swipe,
and laughed at the old King's feeble attempt.  Held fast in the
dragon's crushing grip, Cromwell defied the evil before him, and
said his last prayer to the weeping Gods. The sword blazing with
unearthly fire, left Cromwell's hand as he died, and sunk itself
into the diamond hard skin of the dragon.&n&n

So great was the pain inflicted by the wound, that it broke
Ancalador's concentration, and for an instant left his troops
dumbfounded and leaderless.  Gehron saw what the strike had
accomplished and immediately sent his troops into a retreat.&n&n

At the sight of the death of King Cromwell, beloved by all, the
world itself shook and wept. Thorigorn ripped his beard from
his face in grief, and the great armies of men and dwarves
were heartbroken. The gods, in their great sorrow, carried the
body of the Cromwell out to sea, where a mighty island arose
from the Torsbay to serve as his tomb.&n&n

And yet that tale, the tale of King Cromwell, the Martyr King,
sacrificing himself to allow his troops to fall back and regroup,
would become the rallying cry of the Great Heros of the War. But
story of the Great Heros, and of the defeat of Ancalador, is one
for another telling."

movement SECT_INSIDE
west to barracks;
south to mon_yard;

names {"paladin barracks", "barracks"}
title "The Paladin Barracks"
"     You are in the barracks of the Holy Paladins of Midgaard. It appears
that they live rather sparse lives, based upon the simple contents of this
barracks. A number of cots, stacked double high, line the room, most of them
apparently empty. A small door leads east into a supply hall, and a large
collumed hallway leads south."
extra {"cots", "beds", "bunks", "barracks"}
"Apparently, not many of the Order choose to actually stay here, as many
of the beds do not even have any sheets on them! I guess the Holy Knights are
a busy lot."
movement SECT_INSIDE
east to storage;
south to muster;

names {"mustering hall"}
title "The Mustering Hall"
"     This high vaulted chamber looks large enough to hold a small army!
Shields and banners of the Holy Order of Midgaard adorn the walls. A large
set of double doors lead through an archway east to the yard, while smaller
doors lead to the north and south.  To the west, the glow of braziers and
the smell of incense waft from some sort of shrine.&n
The shield of Cromwell and the banner of Gehron hang on either side of
the entrance to this great hall, magnificent artifacts of times past."
extra {"shields","banners"}
"These banners and shields represent the many great achievements of the Holy
Order. Many of these battle standards date back over a hundred years to the
Goblin Wars that preceded the Great War. Two important standards hang on
either side of the entrance to the shrine: the shield of Cromwell and the
banner of Gehron."
extra {"shield of Cromwell","Cromwell shield","shield"}
"The Shield of Cromwell is one of the Paladin's most sacred relics. It is
said that the Martyr King used this very shield when he fell before
extra {"$get","shield"}
"Grab the Shield of Cromwell, the holiest relic of the paladins? Yeah
right, dream on.&n"
extra {"banner of Gehron", "Gehron banner","banner"}
"The Banner of Sir Gehron, the Defender of Midgaard, also hangs near the
entrance of the shrine. You think back to the heroism of Gehron, how he died
trying to stop the ransacking of the first Great Cathederal. It is no wonder
that Sir Gehron is honored as the most Holy of all the Holy Order.&n"
extra {"$get","banner"}
"Grab the Banner of Gehron? And how far do you think you would walk
before being hunted down by paladins?&n"
movement SECT_INSIDE
east to mon_yard;
west to g_shrine;
north to barracks;
south to armory;

names {"paladin's armory", "armory"}
title "The Order Armory"
"     You have entered the stately armory of the Holy Order. Massive steel
bars block the way south into the actual storehouse, but through the bars
you get a tantilizing view of magnificent armor and weapons. Two small doors
exit the room, one leading east and the other north."
extra {"bars", "bar"}
"The bars are massive steel with no noticeable lifting apparatus. Through
the bars you can catch a glimpse of the armor and weapons in the Armory
extra {"armory vault", "vault"}
"The vault looks extremely secure. So secure, that you can't even figure out
how they could get into it if they wanted to."
extra {"armor behind the bars","armor","armors"}
"Beyond the bars in the Armory vault, you can see massive suits of full plate
armor, glowing with a silvery light."
extra {"weapons behind the bars", "weapons","weapon"}
"You see a number of magnificant weapons stored in the Armory vault, among
them a glowing broadsword and massive footman's mace."
movement SECT_INSIDE
east to stables;
north to muster;

names {"paladin stables", "stables"}
title "The Great Stables"
"     You have stepped into the Great Stables of the Holy Order. Stalls with
horses spread along the walls, and hay mixed with mud and less pleasant
substances coats the stone floors.  Most of the stalls are empty, the steeds
apparantly out on crusades with their Knight owners. An archway leads north
into the monastary yard, while a small door leads west."
extra {"stall", "stalls"}
"They look like a cosy place to spend the night... if you were a horse.&n"
extra {"less pleasant substances", "substances"}
"Do you want me to spell it out for you?&n"
movement SECT_INSIDE
west to armory;
north to mon_yard;

names {"gehron's shrine", "shrine", "gehron"}
title "The Shrine to Gehron"
"     The marble walls of this holy shrine stretch up above you into a dome
of stained glass. There is a peace an solitude that surrounds this place like
none you have ever felt before. A wide archway leads to east to the great
mustering hall, and a set of marble stairs descend down into the darkness.
Set in the middle of the shrine is a massive sarcophagus carved from a single
block of snow white marble. There is an inscription on the tomb."
extra {"stained glass dome","glass"}
"The magnificant stained glass that forms the dome of this shrine depicts
great victories by holy knights against dragons and goblins, each panel
representing a battle in the Great War. Many of the Paladins, their wounds
gushing red glass, seem to be smiling as the die. At the peak of the dome, in
a central panel, the one-eyed contenance of Odin ponders thoughtfully."
extra {"marble stairs","stairs"}
"The stairs descend down under the shrine, perhaps to some kind of sub-
extra {"white marble sarcophagus","tomb","marble","sarcophagus"}
"This snow white tomb of marble seems to almost glow with a holy radience.
There is an inscription on the face of the tomb.&n"
extra {"inscription"}
"Here is buried Sir Gehron, Defender of Midgaard, the Patron Saint of the
Holy Order."
movement SECT_INSIDE
east to muster;
down to meditat;

names {"holy meditation chamber", "meditation chamber", "chamber"}
title "The Holy Meditation Chamber"
"     At the bottom of these marble stairs lies an amazing chamber... you
suspect part of the original Holy Order monastary before the sacking of
Midgaard in the Great War. The stone of the walls are of a different color
than the structure above. You shudder as you think that the broken stained
glass windows stretching from the floor to ceiling once looked out on a
different Midgaard, one that would be destroyed - now they look out on
nothing but packed dirt, the small votive candles lit behind them throwing
off somber shadows in every direction. You have a feeling of sorrow, but
also of sacredness.&n
A small scroll is fastened to the wall here, with a message to all visitors."
extra {"small scroll","scroll"}
"&lThe small scrolls reads in a clear and tidy script:

  - Greetings, Visitor -

Should you wish to join our guild, type 'join' and if your
soul is pure and your concience clean, I will accept you
into your order. A small donation of 5 gold pieces is asked
of all our new recruits.

Should you wish to leave the guild, 'insult' me, Reignier,
and I shall make sure that you never show your face here again.
This action will cost you 5 platinum pieces.

Paladins, type 'title' to receive a title suiting your
deeds and glory.

Speak to me, Reignier, if your faith is weak and your path
painfull. I can provide you with the holy weapon of the
Paladins, as well as the symbol to recognise you as one.

  Greet me with a bow or a worship when you are near.
 Let the faith always guide your steps.

    - Reignier the Master of the Paladin Monastery -

extra {"$get","scroll"}
"You try to grab the scroll but it is securely fastened to the wall.
Guess paladins don't really trust eachother after all.&n"
extra {"marble stairs", "stairs"}
"The marble stairs ascend back to the Shrine of Gehron.&n"
extra {"walls", "stone"}
"The stone of this building is dark colored granite, or perhaps it is the
same stone as above, just burnt and charred beyond recognition. This place
must be quite holy to have survived the sacking of Midgaard.&n"
extra {"stained glass windows", "windows", "glass"}
"Most of the panes of glass are partially destroyed, the fragments that remain
revealing nothing but packed dirt and the flicker of votive candles.&n"
extra {"votive candles", "candles"}
"Short candles placed behind the broken stained glass cast strangely colored
flickers across the room.&n"
movement SECT_INSIDE
up to g_shrine;


names {"holy paladin","paladin","guard"}
title "a holy paladin"
"A holy paladin is standing here, contemplating the path of the righteous."
extra {}
"This fierce warrior is part of the backbone of protectors of Midgaard, the
Holy Order of Paladins. His features nearly shine with bravery and divinity."
M_HUMAN_CLERIC_SWORD(100, SEX_MALE,"","cast heal")
alignment 1000
exp 0
special SFUN_TEAMWORK "reignier/edmund/alex/joan/corbin/paladin"
special SFUN_RESCUE "reignier/edmund/alex/joan/corbin/paladin"

dilbegin antievil();
flux : integer;
pc : unitptr;
heartbeat := PULSE_SEC*7;
on_activation(self.position == POSITION_FIGHTING,skip);
wait(SFB_CMD,(activator.type == UNIT_ST_PC));
pc := activator;
if (pc.level > 200) goto start;
if ((GUILD_NECROMANCER in pc.guild)or
(GUILD_ASSASSIN in pc.guild))
exec("frown "+pc.name,self);
exec("say Thy kind is not welcome in here, "+pc.name+"!",self);
exec("say Begone "+pc.name+", or I shall deal with you harshly!",self);
exec("emote fingers his weapon threatingly.",self);
exec("say Tempt me not, "+pc.name+", leave this holy place now!"
,self); pause;
exec("say That's it, "+pc.name+", thy time is up!",self);
exec("emote draws his sword.",self);
exec("kill "+pc.name,self);
goto start;
if (pc.alignment < -900)
exec("frown "+pc.name,self);
exec("say Thy evil heart is not welcome here, "+pc.name+"!",self);
exec("say Begone "+pc.name+", do not taint this holy place with thy "+
exec("emote fingers his weapon threatingly.",self);
exec("say I live to fight evil, tempt me not, "+pc.name+".",self);
exec("growl "+pc.name,self);
exec("say Evil One, begone now!",self);
exec("say That's it, "+pc.name+", hell awaits thee now!",self);
exec("emote draws his sword.",self);
exec("kill "+pc.name,self);
goto start;
if (PALADIN_FALLEN in pc.quests)
exec("say I remember thee, "+pc.name+".",self);
exec("say Thou fouled the pure spirit of our Order by your falling from "+
exec("say How dare thou show thy face here!",self);
exec("spit "+pc.name,self);
exec("slap "+pc.name,self);
exec("growl "+pc.name,self);
goto start;


/* ---------------------------- TEACHERS ---------------------------- */

names {"reignier", "guild master", "master"}
title "Reignier"
"Lord Reignier, the master of the Holy Order of Paladins, stands here
contemplating the past and future."
extra {}
"Lord Reignier, who rebuilt the Holy Order from the ashes of the Great War,
looks like a strong warrior despite his advancing age.  The lines of worry
crease deeply into his forehead as he contemplates the broken stained glass
of this ancient room."
M_HUMAN_CLERIC_SWORD(130, SEX_MALE, "", "cast heal")
alignment 1000
exp -300
dilcopy nokill@paladin_guild();


/* Requirements: Player must have an alignment of 500 or above, have
completed the Wight warren quest and not be a Fallen Paladin.
More restrictions to come....   */

dilbegin master_block();

 heartbeat := PULSE_SEC*5;

 wait (SFB_CMD, TRUE);
 if ((self.position <= POSITION_SLEEPING) or (self.position ==
   goto start;

 if ((activator.type ==  UNIT_ST_PC) and command ("join"))

   if (activator.level < 0)
     exec ("say You must fight more battles to prove your worth. Do " +
           "not bother me again until you are level 0, at least...", self);
     goto start;

   if (PALADIN_FALLEN in activator.quests)
   { block;
     exec ("say You are foolish, Fallen One, to even show your face " +
           "to me again, let alone lavish false and misleading praise " +
           "upon me. You like a serpent, and must be taught a lesson.",
     exec ("spit " + activator.name, self);
     goto start;
   if (activator.alignment < -349)
   {  if (activator.alignment < -350)
      { block;
        exec ("say You, Evil One, must not be allowed to survive.", self);
        exec ("spit " + activator.name, self);
        goto start;
      exec ("say You are not pure enough to join our order.", self);
      goto start;
   if (activator.guild $= GUILD_PALADIN)
     { block;
       exec ("say Me thinks your head has been rattled too many times in
your "+
             "helmet, "+activator.name+". You are already a member of the "+
             "Holy Order!", self);
       goto start;

   exec ("say Welcome to the Holy Order of Paladins, "+activator.name+
         ". May you walk paths of honor and be diligent in your protection "+
         "of Midgaard and it's people.", self);

 goto start;

dilbegin paladin_quest1();
pc : unitptr;
item : unitptr;
check : extraptr;
heartbeat := PULSE_SEC * 3;


wait (SFB_DONE, ((command("worship"))or(command("bow"))) and
(self ==target));
pc := activator;
secure(pc, lost);
if ((GUILD_PALADIN in pc.guild) and (pc.alignment > 349))
exec("say Ahhh.. I do have a few faithfull followers, I was wondering if "+
"any still existed.", self);
if (PALADIN_SWORD in pc.quests)
exec("say What brings you hither, "+pc.name+" and how does your weapon "+
"serve you?",self);pause;
exec("say Is the light of the blade making you proud and fierce?",self);
exec("say Or have the perils of the road claimed the weapon from your "+
exec("say If you wish me to grant you another weapon, you must first "+
"prove yourself, "+pc.name+".",self);pause;

if (pc.level < 15)
exec("say Bring me the evil weapon of the darkelven priestess and I shall "+
"grant you another Flame Tongue!",self);
goto cu;
if (pc.level < 25)
exec("say Bring me the Smotslager, the staff of the taunter, and I shall "+
"grant you another Flame Tongue!",self);
goto cu;
if (pc.level < 35)
exec("say Bring me the hammer of black metal from the caves of darkness, "+
"and I shall grant you another Flame Tongue!",self);
goto cu;
if (pc.level < 51)
exec("say Bring me the sword that eludes the light, from the hand of an "+
"immortal champion and I shall grant you another Flame Tongue!",self);
goto cu;
exec("say ...altough you, oh Immortal Champion, can create your own in "+
"the blink of an eye!",self);pause;
exec("bow "+pc.name,self);pause;
goto cu;
goto cu;
exec("say I have recived a great gift from our fathers above, a replica "+
"of the sword used by King Cromwell in the last minutes of his life.",
self); pause;
exec("say Without his sacrifice only the gods know where we would be
today.", self);
exec("say The sword is a bastard sword, you can wield it in one,"+
" or in both hands, as you please.", self);
exec("say You must specify that you are 'wielding tongue two' to "+
"wield it twohandedly.", self);
exec("say Now take this Flame Tongue, and use it wisely. "+
"It will serve you well.", self);
item := load("fl_tongue@paladin_guild");
       item.height := pc.height;
link(item, self);
exec("give tongue "+pc.name, self);
exec ("say Oh I almost forgot", self);
exec ("say The gods have given me a small amulet for you to wear.",self);
exec ("say This token should aid you in your quests against evil.", self);
exec ("smile "+pc.name,self);
item := load("pal_cross@paladin_guild");
       item.height := pc.height;
link(item, self);
exec("give amulet "+pc.name, self);
addextra(pc.quests, {PALADIN_SWORD}, "");
exec("say I hope to see you again soon, our guild's strength is
returning.", self);
exec("say Our faithfulness and prayers has touched the gods above.", self);
exec("say Only they know the gifts that lie ahead in our paths.", self);
exec("say Go now, for I must return to my studies.", self);
goto start;
else if ((GUILD_PALADIN in pc.guild) and (pc.alignment < 349))
       exec ("say You have strayed from the path of our order. I will "+
             "not allow your worthless soul worship me. Go until you have
purified yourself.", self);
       goto start;
   else if ((GUILD_PALADIN in pc.guild) and (pc.alignment < -349))
     { block;
       exec ("say You are a disgrace to our order!!", self);
       addextra (pc.quests, {PALADIN_FALLEN}, "");
       pc.guild := "";
       unsecure (pc);
       exec ("spit "+activator.name, self);
       goto start;
    exec ("say Beggar, be off!", self);

goto start;


exec("say Unfaithfull little @#$!@@, I should have him banished.", self);
goto start;


dilbegin paladin_quest2();
       pc : unitptr;
       item : unitptr;
       gift : unitptr;
       heartbeat := PULSE_SEC * 4;


wait (SFB_DONE, (command("give")and(self ==target)));
       pc := activator;
       secure(pc, lost);
gift := medium;
       if ((GUILD_PALADIN in pc.guild) and (pc.alignment > 349)
and (PALADIN_SWORD in pc.quests))
if (((pc.level < 15)and
(gift.nameidx $= "dflail")and(gift.zoneidx $= "darkelf"))
or ((pc.level < 25)and
(gift.nameidx $= "iggystaff")and(gift.zoneidx $= "elfdom"))
or ((pc.level < 35)and
(gift.nameidx $= "black_hammer")and(gift.zoneidx $= "citadel"))
or ((pc.level < 51)and
(gift.nameidx $= "sword_darkness")and(gift.zoneidx $= "keep")))
exec("say Ahhh... Excellent. Your courage failed you not.", self);pause;
exec("say Now take this Flame Tongue, and use it wisely. "+
"It will serve you well.", self);
       item := load("fl_tongue@paladin_guild");
       item.height := pc.height;
       link(item, self);
exec("give tongue "+pc.name, self);
exec ("say This token should aid you in your quests against evil.", self);
exec ("smile "+pc.name,self);
       item := load("pal_cross@paladin_guild");
       item.height := pc.height;
       link(item, self);
exec("give amulet "+pc.name, self);pause;
exec("say I hope to see you again soon, our guild's strength is returning."
exec("say Our faithfulness and prayers has touched the gods above.", self);
exec("say Only they know the gifts that lie ahead in our paths.", self);
exec("say Go now, for I must return to my studies.", self);
goto start;

special SFUN_COMBAT_MAGIC_HEAL "cast heal"
"&lGuild                    = ~Midgaard Paladin~
Guild Enter Quest         = ~~
Guild Enter Cost          = 5 GOLD_PIECE
Guild Leave Quest         = ~~
Guild Leave Cost          = 5 PLATINUM_PIECE
Guild Exclude Quest       = ~Midgaard Paladin Quitter~ ~Paladin, Fallen
>From Grace~"

the Converted
the Converted
the Dedicated
the Dedicated
the Pure
the Pure
the Redeamed
the Redeamed
the Hero of the Narrow Path
the Heroine of the Narrow Path
the Annointed Knight
the Annointed Knight
the Blessed Knight
the Blessed Knight
the Holy Knight
the Holy Knight
the %s Hero of Midgaard
the %s Heroine of Midgaard
the %s Protector of the Realm
the %s Protector of the Realm
the %s Defender of the Faith
the %s Defender of the Faith
the %s Champion of Truth
the %s Champion of Truth
the %s Shining Knight
the %s Shining Knight
the %s Champion of Tor
the %s Champion of Tor
the %s Champion of Tyr
the %s Champion of Tyr
the %s Champion of Odin
the %s Champion of Odin
the %s Champion of Asgaard
the %s Champion of Asgaard
the Knight Avatar
the Knight Avatar"

                            edmund    /*Weapon Master*/

names {"Sir Edmund","edmund","sir","keeper"}
title "Sir Edmund"
"Sir Edmund, the keeper of the Holy Armory, stands guard outside the gates."
extra {}
"You have heard that only the bravest and stronget warrior of the Holy Order
is selected to guard the Armory. Looking at Edmund, you have no doubt that
rumor to be true. You wonder if you could pick up some pointers on technique
from this great hero."
M_HUMAN_CLERIC_SWORD(199, SEX_MALE, "", "cast heal")
alignment 1000
dilcopy nokill@paladin_guild();
dilcopy blocktrain@paladin_guild();

special SFUN_COMBAT_MAGIC_HEAL "cast cure serious wounds"
special SFUN_MEMBERS_ONLY GUILD_PALADIN+"#$1n exclaims, 'You must be a holy
knight to train with me!'"

#define _WEAPON
#include "guilddef.h"
#undef _WEAPON



names {"Sir Alex","alex","sir","teacher"}
title "Sir Alex"
"Sir Alex, teacher of the magics of Faith, is humbly polishing the tomb."
extra {}
"Looking at Sir Alex's long grey hair and creased brow, you wonder if he
fought in the Great War itself. The glow of holiness around his head is almost
blinding, and you know with a certainty that there is much Sir Alex could
teach you about Faith."
M_HUMAN_CLERIC_SWORD(199, SEX_FEMALE, "", "cast heal")
alignment 1000
dilcopy nokill@paladin_guild();
dilcopy blocktrain@paladin_guild();

special SFUN_MEMBERS_ONLY GUILD_PALADIN+"#$1n says, 'I only teach warriors
of the holy path. Begone!'"

#define _SPELL
#include "guilddef.h"
#undef _SPELL


names {"Joan The Pure","joan"}
title "Joan"
"Joan the Pure sits at the drawing table, considering the manuscript before
extra {}
"Beneath Joan's gentle face lies the heart of the Holy Warrior. She looks up
briefly from the manuscript before her, considering you with steel blue eyes
that reflect an inner peace."
M_HUMAN_CLERIC_SWORD(199, SEX_FEMALE, "", "cast heal")
alignment 1000
dilcopy nokill@paladin_guild();
dilcopy blocktrain@paladin_guild();

special SFUN_COMBAT_MAGIC_HEAL "cast cure serious wounds"
special SFUN_MEMBERS_ONLY GUILD_PALADIN+"#$1n exclaims, 'You are not a
warrior of the faith!'"

#define _ABILITY
#include "guilddef.h"
#undef _ABILITY



names {"Sir Corbin","corbin","sir"}
title "Sir Corbin"
"The mighty Sir Corbin surveys the stables to make sure everything is in
extra {}
"Sir Corbin looks like a very skilled warrior, and he carries himself with an
air of confidence and purpose. He looks back at you and nods, smiling with a
knowing but friendly grin. You wonder what secrets he knows that makes him
look so confident."
M_HUMAN_CLERIC_SWORD(199, SEX_MALE, "", "cast heal")
alignment 1000
dilcopy nokill@paladin_guild();
dilcopy blocktrain@paladin_guild();

special SFUN_COMBAT_MAGIC_HEAL "cast cure serious wounds"
special SFUN_MEMBERS_ONLY GUILD_PALADIN+"#$1n says, 'Begone $3n!'"

#define _SKILL
#include "guilddef.h"
#undef _SKILL


/*----------------- PALADIN OBJECTS/ARMOR/WEAPONS ------------- */

names {"chain flail", "flail"}
title  "a heavy chain flail"
"A heavy chain flail lies abandoned on the ground."
extra {}
"This is one of those really big flails used by footman in the armies of
Midgaard. It looks like it could cave in a skull."
weight 15
rent 20 IRON_PIECE
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_STR,30,0,0,"");

names {"broadsword", "sword"}
title  "a weighted broadsword"
"A wide broadsword, with a heavy pommel for counterweight, has been left
extra {}
"The blade on this beauty is wide and double edged. The heavy pommel on the
sword provides a nice counter-balance, and you think you could swing it with
only one hand."
weight 10
rent 20 IRON_PIECE
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_STR,30,0,0,"");

names {"plate hauberk","hauberk","plate"}
title "a plate hauberk"
descr "A heavy plate hauberk of fine steel lies here."
extra {}
"The well-polished steel shines brightly, showing signs of loving care.
The plate is elegantly crafted, offering maximum protection with minimum
weight 30
rent 20 IRON_PIECE
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_STR,30,0,0,"");

names {"plated chausses","chausses","leggings"}
title "plated chausses"
descr "A pair of plated chausses shines brightly here."
extra {}
"The well-polished steel shines brightly, showing signs of loving care.
The chausses are elegantly crafted, offering maximum protection with minimum
encumberance. A short chainmail shirt provides added protection to the
groin area."
weight 18
rent 20 IRON_PIECE
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_STR,30,0,0,"");

names {"plated vambracers","vambracers","bracers"}
title "plated vambracers"
descr "A pair of plated vambracers shines brightly here."
extra {}
"The well-polished steel shines brightly, showing signs of loving care.
The vambracers are carefully crafted, offering maximum protection with
minimum encumberance."
weight 15
rent 20 IRON_PIECE
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_STR,30,0,0,"");

names {"plated gauntlets","gauntlets","gloves"}
title "plated gauntlets"
descr "A pair of plated gauntlets lies here."
extra {}
"The well-polished steel shines brightly, showing signs of loving care.
The gauntlets are crafted with great skill, providing maximum dexterity
for your now well-armoured fingers."
weight 8
rent 20 IRON_PIECE
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_STR,30,0,0,"");

names {"plated sorelets","sorelets","boots"}
title "plated sorelets"
descr "A pair of plated sorelets stands here."
extra {}
"The well-polished steel shines brightly, showing signs of loving care.
Altough heavy and rather uncomfortable, those sorelets will provide the
best protection to your feet in combats. Don't leave home without them."
weight 10
rent 20 IRON_PIECE
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_STR,30,0,0,"");

names {"armet helmet","armet","helmet"}
title "an armet helmet"
descr "An armet helmet with its visor down stands here."
extra {}
"The well-polished steel shines brightly, showing signs of loving care.
The sharp visor of the armet totally encloses the head when lowered,
protecting your face from any harm that may come its way, but reducing
your field of visibility substantially. A large blue plume decorates the
weight 8
rent 20 IRON_PIECE
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_STR,30,0,0,"");

names {"white cape","cape"}
title "a white cape"
descr "A white cape lies here in a heap."
extra {}
"The cape is thick and soft, the bright colour inspiring hope and
happiness. You admire the incredable craftmanship of this cloth."
weight 3
rent 20 IRON_PIECE
dilcopy abi_restrict@function(ABIL_STR,30,0,0,"");

/* ---------------------Paladin Guild Items----------------------- */

names {"Flame Tongue","tongue","sword","bastard","blade","flame"}
title "the &c+rFlame Tongue&cw"
descr "A beautifully crafted bastard sword lies on the ground."
extra {}
"This bastard sword is of exquisite craftmanship. The handle is shaped in
the image of a fiery dragon, its wings forming the handguard and the
blade created in the image of flames spewing forth from its jaws. The
wavy blade of the weapon is beautifully crafted and shines with a slight,
red glow. You notice that the handle is long enough for both single and
two-handed use. The word &c+r'Faith!'&cw is carved into the blade."
extra {"handle of the Flame Tongue","handle","dragon","handguard"}
"The handle is crafted from what seems like ivory. The slender body of
the dragon streches forth, spewing the blade like a flame, its wings
protecting your hand. You can grip the handle with both hands, by typing
'wield sword two'.&n"
extra {"$identify"}
"You concentrate on the &c+rFlame Tongue&cw and reveal that this weapon is
strictly reserved for Paladins. The blade will increase your strength
slightly when wielded in combat. You can wield it two-handedly as a
great sword by typing 'wield Tongue two'. By incanating the word
&c+r'Faith!'&cw you can call upon the hidden powers of the sword.&n"
extra {"$improved identify"}
"Your Str will raise by 1 if using this weapon. The sword can offer you a
blessing if you are pious enough.&n
The blade is of craftmanship 8 and bears a magic bonus of 7.&n"
extra {"$wear_s"}
"Your $2n starts to glow as you wrap your hands around its hilt."
extra {"$wear_o"}
"$1n's $2n starts to glow as $1e wraps $1s hands around its hilt."
extra {"$rem_s"}
"You sheat your $2n... The glow from the blade subsides."
extra {"$rem_o"}
"As $1n sheats $1s $2n, the glow from its blade subsides."
MATERIAL_METAL("This item is made of reddish metal.")
dilcopy guild_restrict@function ({GUILD_PALADIN},0,25,"");
dilcopy level_restrict@function (10,0,0,"");
dilcopy abi_restrict@function (ABIL_STR,25,0,0,"");
dilcopy ali_restrict@function (1000,350,0,25,"");
weight 7
rent 90 IRON_PIECE
spell 40

dilbegin flamechat ();

       enemy : unitptr;
       random : integer;
on_activation(self.outside.position != POSITION_FIGHTING, skip);
wait(SFB_COM,(self.equip == WEAR_WIELD));
enemy := self.outside.fighting;
random := rnd(1,100);
if ((enemy.hp < 10)and(enemy.alignment < 0))
act("Your $2n engulfs $3n in living flame!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("$3n screams in agony as $3s body is devoured in the fury of the fire!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("$1n's $2n engulfs $3n in living flame!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("$3n screams in agony as $3s body is devoured in the fury of the fire!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("$1n's $2n flames violently, fire engulfs your body!"
act("The holy fire devours you in unbearable pain!"
enemy.hp := -7;
goto start;
if (random < 10)
act("Your slash leaves a fiery trail through the air!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("$1n's slash leaves a fiery trail through the air!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("$1n's slash leaves a fiery trail through the air!"
,A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,null,TO_VICT); goto start;
if (random < 20)
act("Your $2n flickers and burst into flames, burning $3n!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("$3n howls in pain!", A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("$1n's $2n flickers and bursts into flames, burning $3n!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("$3n howls in pain!", A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("$1n's $2N flickers and bursts into flames, burning you!"
,A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,null,TO_VICT); goto start;
else if (random < 30)
act("Fire flickers along the edge of your $2n!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("Fire flickers along the edge of $1n's $2n!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("Fire flickers along the edge of $1n's $2n!"
,A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,null,TO_VICT); goto start;
else if (random < 40)
act("Blade of your $2n flashes in a blinding flame!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("$3n screams and averts $3s eyes!",
act("Blade of $1n's $2n flashes in a blinding flame!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("$3n screams and averts $3s eyes!",
act("A blinding flash of fire from $1n's $2n causes you to avert your
eyes in pain!" ,A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,null,TO_VICT); goto start;
if (random < 50)
act("The hilt of your $2n pulses, the dragon's eyes glow with a red light!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("$3n suddenly clutches $3s chest and screams in agony!",
act("The eyes of the carved dragon on $1n's $2n glow with a red light!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("$3n suddenly clutches $3s chest and screams in agony!",
act("The eyes of the carved dragon on $1n's $2n glow with a red light!"
act("A searing PAIN drives through your chest!"
,A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,null,TO_VICT); goto start;
if (random < 60)
act("Fire erupts from your $2n, flames reach for $3n!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("$3n screams in agony!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_CHAR);
act("Fire erupts from $1n's $2n, the flames reach for $3n!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("$3n screams in agony!"
, A_ALWAYS,self.outside,self,enemy,TO_NOTVICT);
act("Fire erupts from $1n's $2n, the flames reach out for you!"
act("That REALLY hurt!"
goto start;
goto start;

dilbegin recall chargeflame();
wait (SFB_TICK,(self.equip==WEAR_WIELD));
act ("Soft glow sparkles along the blade of your &c+rFlame Tongue&cw...",
act ("Soft glow sparkles along the blade of $1n's &c+rFlame Tongue&cw...",
sendto ("add charge",self);
goto start;

dilbegin recall aware flamespell();
       i : integer;
       enemy :unitptr;
       n : integer;
       pwr : integer;
       heartbeat := PULSE_SEC*1;
charge:=interrupt (SFB_MSG,((self==activator) and
       (argument=="add charge")), charge);
 wait (SFB_CMD,(command ("say")) and
 ("Faith!" in argument)and(self.equip==WEAR_WIELD));
act ("You raise your fist to the heavens and shout &c+w'Faith!'&cw",
act ("$1n raises $1s fist to the heavens and shouts &c+w'Faith!'&cw",
       if (pwr<=0) goto fail;
       i := rnd (1,40);
if (i < self.outside.abilities[ABIL_DIV])
  act("Your $2n glows brightly in response to your prayer!",
  act("$1N's $2n glows brightly in response to $1n's prayer!",
act ("Solemn silence greets your call..."
, A_SOMEONE,self.outside,null,self,TO_CHAR);
act ("You snicker as only solemn silence greets $1n's call..."
, A_SOMEONE,self.outside,null,self,TO_REST);
goto start;

act ("Your &c+rFlame Tongue&cw glows slightly, but the light fades away."
, A_SOMEONE,self.outside,self,self,TO_CHAR);
act ("$1n's &c+rFlame Tongue&cw glows slightly but the light fades away."
, A_SOMEONE,self.outside,self,self,TO_REST);
               goto start;
clear (charge);
if (pwr<3)
 goto init;
 goto start;



names {"symbol","amulet"}
title "&c+wAmulet of the Righteous&cw"
descr "A small, silver amulet lies here in the dust."
extra {}
"A small silver amulet, depicting the runes for 'Righteousness' and
'Good'. The amulet is the sign of membership of Midgaard Paladins and is
said to protect the wearers from the perils durning their crusades for good."
extra {"runes on the Amulet","runes","rune","sign"}
"The runes can be read as 'Righteousness' and 'Good'.&n"
extra {"$identify"}
"The Amulet of the Righteous can only be used by Paladins and protects
them from evil during their travels. Beware, as the symbol has no mercy
for those weak in their dedication. The Amulet will increase your
Constitution to better withstand the perils of the road.&n"
extra {"$improved identify"}
"The bonus to Con is 1. Brain of 6 and Divine of 6 is required to use the
extra {"$wear_s"}
"Reverently, you slip your $2n around your neck."
extra {"$wear_o"}
"$1n reverently slips $1s $2n around $1s neck."
extra {"$rem_s"}
"You carefully remove the $2n."
extra {"$rem_o"}
"$1n carefully removes the $2n."
MATERIAL_METAL("This item is made of silvery metal.")
dilcopy guild_restrict@function ({GUILD_PALADIN},0,25,"");
rent 25 IRON_PIECE

/*------------------------- RESET --------------------- */

load p_guard into barracks max 5
    equip broadsword WEAR_WIELD
equip armet WEAR_HEAD
equip vambracers WEAR_ARMS
equip chausses WEAR_LEGS
equip hauberk WEAR_BODY
equip sorelets WEAR_FEET
equip gauntlets WEAR_HANDS
equip pal_cross WEAR_NECK_1

load reignier into meditat max 1
equip fl_tongue  WEAR_WIELD
       equip vambracers WEAR_ARMS
       equip chausses WEAR_LEGS
       equip hauberk WEAR_BODY
       equip sorelets WEAR_FEET
       equip pal_cross WEAR_NECK_1
equip cape WEAR_ABOUT

load edmund into armory max 1
    equip broadsword WEAR_WIELD
       equip armet WEAR_HEAD
       equip vambracers WEAR_ARMS
       equip chausses WEAR_LEGS
       equip hauberk WEAR_BODY
       equip sorelets WEAR_FEET
       equip gauntlets WEAR_HANDS
       equip pal_cross WEAR_NECK_1


load alex into g_shrine max 1
    equip chain_flail WEAR_WIELD
       equip vambracers WEAR_ARMS
       equip chausses WEAR_LEGS
       equip hauberk WEAR_BODY
       equip sorelets WEAR_FEET
       equip pal_cross WEAR_NECK_1


load joan into storage max 1
    equip chain_flail WEAR_WIELD
       equip vambracers WEAR_ARMS
       equip chausses WEAR_LEGS
       equip hauberk WEAR_BODY
       equip sorelets WEAR_FEET
       equip gauntlets WEAR_HANDS
       equip pal_cross WEAR_NECK_1


load corbin into stables max 1
    equip broadsword WEAR_WIELD
       equip vambracers WEAR_ARMS
       equip chausses WEAR_LEGS
       equip hauberk WEAR_BODY
       equip sorelets WEAR_FEET
       equip pal_cross WEAR_NECK_1
